• “Any purchase, dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this payment gateway shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE.”
• “The website policies may be changed/updated as per requirements and standards. Hence customers are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website.
Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.”
• This website has a TLS certificate and card details are sent in a secure manner.
• You should be above 18 Years to use this payment gateway.
• We accept the below cards for online payments as well as POS.
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Privacy Policy: When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.
This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information.
“The card details will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties”. If any details will be collected from the customer online (e.g. name, contact, delivery address, email address and any additional information).
We use information to help improve the safety and reliability of our services. This includes detecting, preventing, and responding to fraud, abuse, security risks, and technical issues that could harm our services, our users, or the public.
Items/Products/Services Pricing: Candidates are requested to fill the Registration form and also confirm the cost of all training / product which you would like to enroll before making the payment.
Please note: “The Cost of the Training may vary from Offer to Offer which is limited to the period. The customer can contact us directly for final pricing.”
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Applicants who cancel enrollment or withdraw from enrollment a fair and equitable settlement will apply. The following policy will apply to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation. Strictly no refund once the sessions begin.
A candidate cancels his/her enrollment before three business days of signing the enrollment agreement will be less the registration fee in the amount of AED 500.
A candidate cancels his/her enrollment in writing after three business days of signing the enrollment agreement before the start of sessions, 50% of Training Fee would be refunded.
A candidate on an approved leave of absence notifies the Institution that he/she will not be returning. The date of withdrawal shall be the earlier of the date of expiration of the leave of absence or the date the candidate notifies the institution that he/ she will not be returning.
Any payment due the applicant shall be refunded within 45 days of official cancellation or withdrawal subject to the order of refund request.
Any official cancellations or withdrawals, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on the written notification, or the date said notification is delivered to the Institution administrator or owner in person.
Grievances/ Complaints: The Institution manages complaints in accordance with Education policy and relevant guidelines. Complaints may be raised in person, by telephone or in writing and may be anonymous. Complaints may be made in regard to any aspect of services:
• provided by us, including the conduct or decisions of staff, practices, policies or procedures;
• regulated by us, including legislative compliance with approval to operate Whenever possible, complaints will, in the first instance, be referred for resolution at the local level. In managing complaints, the principles of procedural fairness will be applied to all processes, requiring that:
• Decision‐makers would be fair and impartial
• In respect of any decision where a person may be adversely affected will be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard regarding the outcome of the complaint and any proposed action
• The decision‐maker will act fairly and provide reasons that explain the decision taken
• The decision will be based upon verifiable information
• The decision will not be pre‐determined.
The Institution endeavors to action complaints within a reasonable time frame. Complainants will be informed of the expected time frame for a response to their complaint.
All business areas of the Institute would create and maintain appropriate records of complaints and actions taken in response to complaints.
Complaint records would be managed in accordance with the Records Management Policy.