CPC, CCS-P Exam Training is provided to candidates who have completed Basic / Specialty Training or with minimum 2 years of Experience in Coding. This covers all topics in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology and ICD-9 CM, CPT-4 and HCPCS Coding and in depth training is provided in ICD-9 CM coding guidelines and all specialties including Radiology, Pathology, Evaluation and Management (ER/ED/Critical care), Surgery, Anesthesia and Medicine Coding. Training program is completely Exam Preparation oriented and involves not only Technical Knowledge sharing but also Videos and short films based on Time Management, Stress Management during exam and tips for Paper handling for exams like CCA, CCS-P and CPC provided by AHIMA and AAPC from USA.
Few Questions you need to answer before you start your preparation for Certification –
1. If Technical knowledge alone would do, then why is that many experienced candidates also fail?
2. How are you going to equip your body to sit for continuous 6 hours?
3. How will a ED coder solve questions of other Specialties like Pathology or Medicine?
4. How do you train your mind to support your body for continuous 6 hours without lunch or food in between?
5. Where to start and how to plan the paper? Which Section to start first? Which sections can be used as fillers when you are tired?
You would now understand -This indeed requires a great INTERNAL STRENGTH. It’s a MARATHON race. You speed up answering questions quickly, you are sure to lose energy in 3- 3.5 hours, totally exhausted and unable to continue for the next 2 hours.
You would see many good candidates failing this exam because these exams do not just target your Technical skills – it’s more of Management Skills – 150 questions in 5.40 min. A big Challenge in front of you..!
We are here to support you – First of it’s kind in the world where a Coding Training Institute involves a part of Soft Skills too – the package includes video sessions on Time Management, Paper Management, Stress Management and tips on being fit too.
Train your mind on Coding Concepts and support it with necessary Soft skills – Success is guaranteed.
Topics Included:
- Medical Terminology
- Complete Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Clinical tests, Diagnostic and Surgical Procedures
- ICD-9 CM General Coding guidelines, conventions and coding for acute and chronic conditions and late effect, Impending and Pressure ulcer stages Coding.
- ICD- 9 CM Chapter Specific Guidelines including all the chapters like Infection, HIV, Sepsis, Neoplasm, Diabetes and Hypertension, Pregnancy and Delivery, Burns, Fracture, Laceration, Poisoning, Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Coding and Aftercare Coding.
- CPT-4 Procedure Coding and NCCI edits with Medical Billing Terminologies
- Understanding Individual CPT Sections using plenty of sample charts and coding scenarios.
- Detailed Exposure to Evaluation and Management Coding (E & M) including Emergency Department and Critical Care Coding, Surgery Coding, Medicine Coding and Anesthesia Coding using sample charts and solved CPC exam papers.
- HIPAA Training
- Concepts of Medical Billing and Healthcare
- CPC, CPC – A, CPC-A and CCS-P sing fully solved question papers.
Salient Features of ACMC Training:
- Training completely focused on CCA, CCS-P and CPC previous years and purchsed sample papers
- Complete ICD-9 CM, CPT-4 and HCPCS training.
- Multi-Specialty Coding Training in Evaluation and Management (E & M, ER) Anesthesia, Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Medicine Coding.
- Videos and short plays on Management Skills – Time, Stress, Paper, Body and Mind Orientation to improve concentration.
- Certification provided after successful completion of training
CPC/ CCS-P Exam Trained candidates are Eligible for taking AHIMA and AAPC approved certification exams like CPC, CCA and CCS-P. AAPC or AHIMA Certified Medical Coders have a great career opportunity in India, UAE, Philippines, Canada and various other countries.